Behind the Screens

Behind the Screens

Hello friends and followers!

I am so excited to bring you a second season of Do What You Can For The People! I didn’t expect this creative outlet to become such a source of joy and light in my life, nor did I expect all the incredible feedback that I have received. 

Whether you’ve been watching since Episode 1 or are just joining me now, I’m thrilled and honored to have a portion of your time. Thanks so much for being here with me. 

Looking back on Season 1, I see now that the theme was definitely self mastery - my guests and I spent a lot of time talking about developing a personal brand, making impact with our personal choices, exercising self love and self care, and taking ownership of our time and values. 

Season 1 was also a time of self-mastery for me with this show - I noticed that with each passing episode I became more and more comfortable in front of my web camera and really settled into a groove of hosting and recording these episodes.

I realized that I haven’t formally introduced MYSELF on this channel, so I thought I’d take a couple minutes to say hello from behind the screen. 

Allow me to reintroduce myself…

Hey hi hello! I’m Nicole Pamani - an independent consultant for the circular economy and a full-blown packaging nerd. 

I recently completed Bard College’s MBA in Sustainability where I spent 2 years throwing myself into understanding the principles of the circular economy and taking on more low-to-no pay consulting projects than I would recommend to even my worst enemies. My professional background is in operations and marketing. I received my bachelors degree in journalism and international studies from the University of Miami. 

I’ve worked far too many jobs in the past decade to even begin counting but some of the standouts were waitressing at an Irish pub in lower manhattan, door-to-door fundraising for a nonprofit in the dead of winter, freelancing as a digital strategist & copywriter, and running the imports and distribution logistics for a small trade company.

I was born and bred in the greater NYC area, but currently live in Jersey City. When I’m not at my desk, I can probably be found whipping something up in my kitchen. Feeding others and hosting elaborate get togethers is definitely my love language. I also really enjoy any and all traditional bar games. I’m not saying I’m good at them … I just really enjoy them. I will however kick your butt in any word-based board game. 

I’ve taken a little break to figure out what Season 2 is gonna be all about and I’m possibly TOO excited about the next round. This season is dedicated to sustainability, and not just environmental sustainability but also economic viability, social justice, long term self sustainability and taking a serious look at privilege. The different kinds of privilege that we witness every day, ways to acknowledge  and leverage our own privilege, and ways to make the world a more equitable place for all going forward.

Yes, taking care of our planet for the long haul IS important, but taking care of our own species…. all of us, not just some of us… is important NOW.

Shit’s about to get heated and maybe even a little controversial so buckle up for safety fam, and join me every Wednesday for a new episode of DWYCFTP! 

As always, if you would like to be a guest on the show, think there’s a topic that would be great for the show, or want to nominate someone you know as a guest - please get in touch.

I’ll see you next week!